Read SERAPHIM: the novel in parts!

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Parts 10-20

S E R A P H I M by John Rohner

Arisilon Publishing Inc.

God and the Devil sat down for a game of chess. It was a time to reflect upon their new decision to split morallity. All seemed good until the grey angel entered their mind. "So, I'm assuming the angel of death is mine." said the Devil. "Why no, I give them life so I will charge the angel that ends it obviously;" Well, believe it or not, God and the devil don't always agree. Finally it was decided that the grey angel would be born amongst the souls on earth and will be subjected to all that that entails. Upon her 21st birthday she would come into full power and could choose her own path. They didn't expect her to be a drunken prostitute in the 90s, living in the nation's capitol. She didn't expect it at all.

Seraphim is the first and most heavily applauded work from John Rohner.

The work in all its parts are property of its author: John Rohner and Arisilon Inc. Unauthorized reproduction is unlawful without written consent from either party. Any transmission, electronic or otherwise, is strictly forbidden. Copyright 1997 John Rohner. First published by Arisilon Publishing Inc. Feb 1998. All rights reserved. Any likeness in characters or events and actual people and places is strictly coincidental.