Telephone rings again, MAIN answers
What's goin' on here tonight? Nothing. Just the usual insanity….hmm…uh..Yeah! Yeah, sure that'll be just fine. (Hangs up)
(to BAR1)
Guess what that was?
Pamela Anderson. She wants her toothbrush back?
Even better. Baseball party of THIRTY!
Baseball!! We're in the money! I'll get Bar2!
MAIN (to BOUNCER while beckoning WAIN)
Guess what my man, baseball party! So no one underage, and charge whatever you would like my friend! Tonight we are proprietors!
(to WAIN)
Okay, here's the drill. You take this cash and go to the store and buy a keg, as many cases as you can, and a bottle of Jack Daniels. Don't worry 'bout your tables, I'll call someone else in, I need you tonight, and don't worry I'll take care of you.
I get off at nine, though.
Trust me. We got this down to an art, you'll love it! Pleeeaase!
WAIN (confused)
Um.. Okay.
That's my girl! I love you! (Kisses her on forehead) We in the money!
WAIN (under her breath)
I love you too.
As WAIN turns to leave, we see all the employees running around and MAIN yelling at people to call his sister and various other employees.
WAIN walks to her car sadly in contemplation, and enters and drives off. She looks at a newspaper lying on the passenger seat. There is a movie time circled with a red marker. The movie is 'A Streetcar Named Desire'.
WAIN (to herself)
Oh, well…Romance can wait.
CUT TO: MAIN is giving the gang a pep talk. Okay, taps are a buck fifty. That way, even cheapskates will tip. Bottles and shots of J.D. are two twenty-five. Ladies, make sure to write down food orders, but accidentally forget every third drink or so. Cook, we are out of anything he tells you take too long to make. It's gonna be busy, but we're gonna make money. Any problems contact me. Break!
CUT TO: WAIN in alley behind Ascention's it is dark, and the only people around are two stoners hiding behind the garbage. She knocks loudly.
WAIN (to the stoners)
Why don't you do that in the bathroom like everyone else?
Glad you're here!
Damn! What's goin' on in here?
BAR2 (brushing past her for the keg)
Just a few close friends.
CUT TO; WAIN walks through the kitchen and into the bar, which is more packed than she has ever seen. The bartenders are tossing bottles back and forth. The noise is deafening. She looks down at the bottle she bought and makes her way to the bar, and behind it. Wait# comes through also, very happy
Isn't this crazy!
WAIN (sees MAIN)
CUT TO: Two middle-aged couples are standing angrily at the front door
I'm sorry. We have reached our capacity, only the guestlist is still being admitted.
A beautiful girl walks in behind them and walks past the angry couples.
Hey, Bouncer!
BOUNCER (undoing velvet rope)
Hiah Rachael.
Hey, you just let her in!
BOUNCER (smugly)
She's on the guestlist
What guestlist?! You didn't even look!
Oh, I looked! Her guestlist was 36-28-32!
CUT TO: WAIT# brings drinks to a table, as she walks by a man pinches her behind. She turns, obviously in a hurry
I want to give myself to you
I don't accept cheap gifts.
CUT TO: Behind the bar. Wain approaches Main, and hands her the bottle.
Cool. You're a lifesaver! Hey stay back here and help for a sec' I gotta pee sooo bad. That's the problem with beer. You'll be fine. Beer's over there.
CUT TO: PAN as Wain looks around the bar, hundreds of people are yelling, laughing and looking at her intently for service, it's overwhelming. She takes off her jacket and starts waiting on them.
I'll have a White Russian
Wain is visibly confused, but remains calm, and walks over to Bar1, who is busy pouring pitchers for the waitress.
Excuse me BAR1, um, I don't know what's in a White Russian.
Just put anything… Oh wait, No, I'll make that one. I know it. Fill these up for Wait#.
Man, I don't know how you guys do this, it's berzerk. Ten things at once, everyone yelling….
Hey, don't worry, you're doin' good. We appreciate it. Where is Main?
The bathroom. So you guys hang out every day?
Mostly. Except Sundays. That's HIS day. I dunno what he does, but.. (notices overflow) Oh! Better stop that, I got it, here's your Russian. Probably costs five bucks.
CUT TO: BAR1 is yelling at the TV with a cluster of customers.
Dodgers, baby! Dodgers! Hey, Braves fan. A shot of Quervo says Jones can't hit it.
WAIN walks up to Bar1
Bar1..I was just wondering…um..
BAR1 is intently watching the pitch, he glances over at her.
It's probably top shelf..(glances back)
The batter on TV hits the ball for a single. The bar makes all kinds of rahs and boos. Wain sees this and grabs the bottle of Jose Quervo, and brings it to Bar1
Shit! (sees Wain with the bottle) Thanks.
He quickly pours and drinks the shot with the man, then picks up the bottle and glasses and heads over to another customer with his hand up for service. Wain follows.
I was wondering…Um..You and Main are good friends right?
BAR1 (stops and turns)
Hell yeah. Main's a good man.
I wonderin' what kind of girl he likes.
BAR1 (laughing)
Just as long as they're warm!
WAIN (smiles at the ground)
Like caring..
BAR1 (starts to walk towards customer)
No, like circulation…heat..
WAIN (confused)
That's weird..
BAR1 (heads towards visible irritated customer)
Weirder if they were cold! (laughs loudly)
WAIN (blankly)
BAR1 (noticing the beers she's holding for a customer)
(smiles slyly) Hey, don't ring that up. Keep it yourself. (to angry customer) I'm coming! Like were gonna run outta beer! Some people! You think I'm here to wait on you hand and foot?
CUT TO: Front bar. Wait is serving a customer when SIS walks up to the bar, and talks to Main
Hey, what's up? Where's Main?
MAIN (looking her up and down)
Why? Is he expecting you?
He better be, he just called me! (sees BAR1) Bar1! Hey!
Hey Sis! Your brother's here somewhere, everything's all set up.
You're his sister?
Yup. Who're you?
I'm Main, I just started..
Yeah, I've heard Main talk about ya
Good or bad?
MAIN (interrupts)
There's my beloved kin! You're set to go. Keep it nice though, looks like an older crowd tonight
SIS goes up into the DJ booth and sorts through records
Wain, I'm gonna need you to make another run, before round two.
BAR2 (overhears)
Round two?
Yeah, the wedding party
A look of helpless fear comes over Bar2 and Wain as they remember
CUT TO: Manager's house he and his wife are having a candlelit dinner
Is something bothering you, Manager?
Just thinking 'bout the restaurant. Hope everything's OK.
You have to stop worrying. Everything's gonna be all right. That Main is a fine boy, and very good with the customers. Cousin Larry said he had an excellent time last week. He went for one drink and ended up staying all night and chatting.
He came back trashed, and Main was hung over for days.
Oh, you worry too much. All day you're there making things work like clockwork, now it's the kids time, with all that music and sports.
You're right now is our time. I love being here with you.
MRS MAN (raises glass)
And I love you.
I mean, how bad could it get, anyway. It's dead in the evenings.
CUT TO: Ascention Lounge. The place is complete mayhem. At the front bar there is no room to walk. People in tuxedos as well as jerseys crowd the counters. The bartenders are franticly trying to take care of customers. A runner scores and the place goes nuts with yelling and screaming. Pan to the restaurant side. Here are about twenty women dressed in bridesmaids' gown comforting a bride as her new husband is doing shots with members of the earlier baseball party. Wain walks in the back door and sees all the people and rolls her eyes. Main rushes into the kitchen. Cook hands him a Styrofoam cup to cool him down.
MAIN (flustered)
Cook, I need two hamburgers, medium well. Hey Wain.
We're all out of hamburger. You know how many I made tonight? We're out of everything!
MAIN (hands him money)
Go to McDonalds, they'll never know, they're toasted.
(to Wain) God, I need a break. Wanna dance?
Main grabs her wrist and drags her onto the dance floor. Her eyes widen when she sees people dancing fast to a rap song.
Hang on.
Main goes up to the booth and talks to his sister, then comes back down again, and starts towards Wain. Sis smiles and takes out a record and starts to play it.
Alright! I'd like to take this time to welcome you all to Ascention's Lounge! Where we have the strongest drinks and cheapest condom machines in the metro area! I have a request from Main, who is working very hard to serve you this evening. Please remember that tipping is not a city in China, people. Now let's slow it down a bit.
MAIN reaches Wain and extends his hand as a slow song starts and couples take the floor.
Ah, that's nice. Sometimes it's a wonder I don't self-combust.
It's a wonder none of us do.
As they continue to dance they look to their left and see the bride and groom dancing next to them. They both smile happily at them.
Good luck.
You too.
They both stare off into space confused by this comment when Bouncer runs up and interrupts
Man, I got trouble at the door! Come quick!
MAIN (breaks his embrace)
Um..ah..Gotta go. Oh! Can you get Sis a beer, she's thirsty, and I told her I would, but..
He quickly runs off with Bouncer, as she stands in the middle of the dance floor still staring.
CUT TO: Front door.
CUT TO: Wain brings Sis a beer.
Here ya go, I heard you were thirsty.
Cool thanks..Wain was it?
Yup. Main had a problem outside.
Figures. It's about that time. Game's over, everyone's drunk and tooled up, there's always a fight.
I hope they're OK
They're OK, they kick ass as a team. You're quite the carer.
I just don't want them to get hurt is all..
SIS (changing the record)
You like my bro, don't cha?
SIS (laughs)
I saw it in your eyes on the dance floor. Best of luck, Main, He could sure use something like you in his life. Of course he should also go back to filmmaking, and stop drinking, but none of this will happen to him or any of them, gotta love 'em!
Hey, why don't you do me a favor and kill two birds with one stone! (looks at watch) Main's in the back office now, doing reports. Go ask him if I have to play after last call. (smiles)
CUT TO: back office. Main is sitting at a desk with piles of cash and register receipts. Bar2 hands him a clipboard with bar napkins and writing on it.
Here ya go, best of my knowledge. Kinda wasted.
Cool. Pace yourself, Cowboy. We have just begun to go crazy! After-bar party tonight! Tell Bar1 it's last call. Get everyone out of here, soon.
BAR2 (leaving)
Gotcha man! Rock 'n Roll!
WAIN (enters)
Um..hi..uh..Sis wants to know if she's to continue after last call.
No, no, tell her she can pack up now, and we're after-partying here tonight. Gonna stick around, right? It's gonna be crazy fun!
Sorry, wish I could, but I got a lot of important stuff tomorrow.
C'mon! I gotta get up at eleven tomorrow, and I'll be here!
Maybe tomorrow..
Okay, cool, but make sure you don't leave tonight until I talk to you.
He looks back down at the calculator and papers and does some figuring, when he notices her still in the doorway.
Anything else?
Is it hot in here?
What? I dunno, maybe. I'm so sweaty from all this running around. Are you hot or something?
Yeah, I'm warm. Always warm.
Okay.. Well, meet at the bar, and I'll get ya a cold beverage.
She leaves and on the way to the bar, signals to Sis she can quit, and goes and sits next to Bouncer at the bar.
SIS (ringing the bar's bell)
Laaaasst Caaaaaal! As much as we'd like to continue to over-price you for watered down drinks, we regret to inform you: BEAT IT!! GET OUT!!