CUT TO: Wain is walking up to Main's house. She is fidgeting with her hair and dress. She takes a deep sigh and rings the doorbell with her hand holding the chicken soup. WAIN Oh well, no answer. I guess I'll just.. The doorknob turns WAIN Shit. The door is opened by Bar1. In the background is a very wild, loud party. There is music playing, and clothing and beer cans strewn everywhere. Bar2 is in the background chasing a scantily clad female and screaming BAR1 Hey, what's up! Bar2! It's Wain, from work. C'mon in let me grab you a drink! What do you want? WAIN Um, Main. BAR1 leads her through the party to the kitchen, there are pizza boxes and liquor bottles on the counter. WAIN Actually, I'm not gonna stay BAR1 Well, you're not gonna leave. Not without a drink! Bar2 enters the kitchen with the girl he was chasing earlier. BAR2 Hiah Wain! Say, um, listen. You don't have to bring this up to Main do ya? See, it's Sunday. He's all weird and moody and alone and gone all day. He kinda thinks we're just here to watch the game. BAR1 But it ended up being a party. You know how it is. WAIN Um, yeah, sure. Every day becomes a party. BAR2 Here ya go. Vodka Cranberry, right? WAIN Yeah, right. Good memory! BAR2 I'm a bartender. WAIN Yeah, right. So, Main's not here huh? She opens the fridge. It is virtually bare except for beer. She places the soup on the top shelf. She takes a deep sigh and brushes a hair from her face. WAIN Damn She swallows her drink and heads for the door, only to be cut off by Bar1 BAR1 There ya are! Here's you drink. Vodka Cranberry right? WAIN Right. But I just had..alright thanks. BAR1 Yeah, so Main's downtown. He should be back after a while. He goes down there every Sundayand y'know watches a film, listens to jazz, whatever it is he does. WAIN Really? That's cool. Like a day to yourself. BAR1 Yeah, he's so busy he needs to do that. It ain't like me and Bar2 are gonna do that artsy-fartsy junk. WAIN I'd love to BAR1 What? You like Main? WAIN Well, uh … BAR1 You do! Hey Bar2! Wain wants to hook up with Main! WAIN I don't want to "hook up" BAR2 Cool. You should run down to.. um.. what's that place? BAR1 Solaris Costade or Solar Coster BAR2 Something like that. He should be there now. He always goes in the evening after whatever he does all day. WAIN Really? BAR1 Yeah. You'd probably like it too. It's a fancy joint. BAR2 Jazz tunes though BAR1 Yeah, but have you seen the bartender? BAR2 Yeah, she's a hottie. Kinda old though BAR1 Yeah, but how the tits on her man? BAR2 Oh they're nice. I'm world they're named Everest and Moe. 'Cause after I climb everest I'll be ready for mo'! WAIN Well, this has been stimulating. Thanks for the drinks guys! BAR1 and BAR2 (in unison after her) Main and Wain! Sitting in a tree!