BAR1 Yeah, just watch them. See Main's got this intellectual approach CUT TO: Main approaches a pretty girl MAIN Excuse me, Miss, Would you ever sleep with a complete stranger? GIRL Of course not! MAIN Then allow me to introduce myself, my name is Main CUT TO: Main walks up to a different girl MAIN Hello beautiful, what's your name? SANDRA Sandra MAIN That's a pretty name, can I call you Sandy? SANDRA Sure MAIN Great what time? CUT TO: Main at the bar with a new girl MAIN Hi, I'm new in town, could you give me…your apartment? CUT TO: Table where Sis and Bar1 are watching BAR1 See, now BAR2 has a different approach, it's called no bullshit CUT TO: BAR2 walks up to a girl BAR2 Roses are red, violets are blue, damn girl, I wanna get with you! CUT TO: BAR2 to another girl BAR2 Woman, you must be a parking ticket cuz' you got FINE written all over you!! CUT TO: Table BAR1 'course he can get out of hand.. CUT TO: BAR2 talking to a girl at the bar BAR2 Oh my sweet darling! For a moment I thought I had died and gone to heaven! Now I see I am very much alive, and heaven has been brought to me!! CUT TO: Table. BAR1 and SIS laugh loudly SIS So, what's your approach? BAR1 I do like a puppy dog thing mixed with a hint of stupidity, and just enough sensitivity. SIS Does it work? BAR1 Nine out of ten supermodels agree SIS Amazing. I can't believe you guys. CUT TO: Main approaching a girl MAIN I'm sorry to disturb you, ma'am, but did the sun just come up, or did you smile? CUT TO: BAR2 approaching a girl BAR2 I don't know what you think of me, but I hope it's X-rated CUT TO: Table BAR1 Well , I better get on the battlefield. You gonna be OK? SIS What makes you think I'm not playing? BAR! Women don't play. The only women that play are either looking to crush a male or make him itch in the morning. SIS You're such a sexist. I bet I can play as well as you BAR1 No doubt. It's the prey hunting the hunter. Taking candy from a baby. There's no work there. A man will take anything that brushes against him. SIS All right, Playboy, go get crushed CUT TO: BAR1approaching a girl BAR1 Say, didn't we go to different schools together? CUT TO BAR1 approaching a girl BAR1 Excuse me, do you sleep on your stomach GIRL … BAR1 Can I? CUT TO: BAR2 approaching a girl BAR2 Girl, you're legs must be tired, cuz' you been run.. GIRL (interrupting) Heard it already, cowboy! CUT TO: BAR2 sits down at table with Sis BAR2 God, look at those two go. They're funny as shit. CUT TO; BAR1 approaches a girl BAR1 If God made anything better than you, he'd keep it for himself! CUT TO: MAIN approaches a girl MAIN What's that on your face? Here. ,