CUT TO: the gang is walking down the boardwalk, past many lit bars. SIS I hope we didn't miss Damon's band. MAIN God, we haven't been here for like a month. BAR1 Okay, this is buggin' me. There's seven days in a week. BAR2 Duh. BAR1 And four weeks in a month BAR2 Obviously BAR1 And 12 months in a year BAR2 God, I hope this is going somewhere! BAR1 It is going somewhere, IF you can follow it. Now, seven times four is twenty-eight. Right? And twenty eight times twelve is three hundred and thirty six. Where did I lose over a month? MAIN Not all of the months have twenty-eight days. BAR1 Right. But it's been a month since we been down here. Exactly four weeks to the day. SIS Shit, we're a little late, there's already someone puking out front. BAR2 That's usually MY job! CUT TO: They walk through a bouncer who recognizes them, onto a private section of beach, sectioned off into tent-covered bars and stages. MAIN There's Scott now! I'll go talk to him and get drinks, meet you at Damon's band. CUT TO: MAIN walks up to a crowded bar, the bartender sees him and comes over. SCOTT Hey, Main, man how's it hangin'? MAIN Two inches from the ground my friend. SCOTT Same Main! With a crew? I'll grab drinks. MAIN surveys the area while waiting. He spots a beautiful woman and licks his lips. SCOTT Here ya go, tell 'em I said hey. I got ya refills. Have you met my Michelle yet? Scott points to the beautiful woman. MAIN Damn, man. Nice catch SCOTT You're tellin' me! Yeah, we're serious. I've hung up my players' jacket. MAIN Wow. Serious, huh? SCOTT Yup, it's nice. MAIn Then let's do a shot to celebrate! SCOTT (handing a shot) Way ahead of ya, me amigo! (cheering) To Love! MAIN Sure. MAIN leaves with a pitcher of Margaritas and glasses, on his way out he glances over his shoulder at Scott and Girl kissing and smiling. CUT TO: Bar1, Bar2, and Sis are standing under an umbrella with a table. BAR2 Just give it a break, it works out somehow! SIS Hey bro! How's Scott? MAIN Cool. Look, Margaritas! Yeah, he's got this girlfriend. BAR1 I heard about that, kinda serious. BAR2 Sucks to be him! MAIN I dunno, he seems happy. BAR2 Speaking of happy. We got drinks, you know what's next! MAIN, BAR1, BAR2 Booty Call!!! SIS Or, as I like to call it Titanic Theater. MAIN and BAR2 cheers and slam and storm off into the crowd. SIS What're you doin'? Aren't your hormones raging? BAR1 There's time, I need a few more drinks in me, 'sides I like hangin' with you. SIS Oh, no! Don't even! Find a floozy! Like those Jackals. BAR1 Naw, see it's process of elimination. Watch those two work. You can tell a lot about a chick just by how she reacts to those two. They're geniuses actually. SIS You've GOT to be kidding!